io - fortran read repeated pattern -

i have file looking this:

( 1) 0.9988472 ( 5)-0.0455316 ( 9)-0.0152022 (

( 2) 0.0000060 ( 3) 0.0000060 ( 6)-0.0000036 (

( 4)-0.0000036 (

i need read integer numbers in brackets , floats vectors. know in advance how many instances read.

if had file looking this

1 5 9

2 3 6


i following:

read(unitin, fmt='(3(i3))') (dummyint(i), i=1,n) 

but cannot figure out how read in 3 instances of 2 arrays per line.

help appreciated.

ok, straight forward...

read(10, iostat=st, fmt='(7(a, a, i5, a, f10.7))')&     ((dummyc, dummyc, dummyi, dummyc, determinantprefactors(i)), i=1,numdets) 


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