Remove Object from C++ list -

i'm new @ c++... i'm making classes - 1 student , 1 courses. there "list" inside of courses adds student objects.

i able add student:

void course::addstudent(student student) {     classlist.push_back(student);  } 

but when go delete student, i'm not able remove it. i'm getting long error student not derived , operator==(const allocator).

void course::dropstudent(student student) {      classlist.remove(student);  } 

any suggestions? thanks!!

i referring website how add/remove elements:

student code:

class student { std::string name;  int id;  public: void setvalues(std::string, int);  std::string getname(); };  void student::setvalues(std::string n, int i) { name = n;  id = i;  };  std::string student::getname() {     return name;  } 

full course code:

class course  { std::string title;  std::list<student> classlist; //this list students can added to.  std::list<student>::iterator it;   public:  void setvalues(std::string);  void addstudent(student student); void dropstudent(student student); void printroster(); }; void course::setvalues(std::string t) {     title = t;   };  void course::addstudent(student student) {     classlist.push_back(student);  }  void course::dropstudent(student student) {     classlist.remove(student); }  void course::printroster() {     (it=roster.begin(); it!=roster.end(); ++it)     {         std::cout << (*it).getname() << " ";      } } 

the issue is, pointed out, student lacking operator== required std::list::remove.

#include <string> class student {     std::string name;      int id;   public:     bool operator == (const student& s) const { return name == && id ==; }     bool operator != (const student& s) const { return !operator==(s); }     void setvalues(std::string, int);      std::string getname();     student() : id(0) {} }; 

note how both operator== , operator != overloaded. expected if 2 objects can compared ==, != should available used. check how operator!= written in terms of operator ==.

also note parameter passed const reference, , functions const.

live example:


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