c++ - QT creator and Qt ( just itself) difference - Starting QT -

i'm asking re-confirmation! (don't take otherwise).. i'm quite new in qt platform, i've found quite confusing!! in windows platform, you've: qt 5.4.1 windows 32-bit (vs 2012, opengl) whooping 644 mb file! & info "qt creator" in download says:

blockquote qt creator 3.3.1 included in qt 5.4.1 binary packages. if need standalone installer, please select file according operating system list below latest qt creator computer

--- layman understand qt creator gui of qt ide & need download "qt 5.4.1 windows" whooping 644mb !! so, wait moment...

blockquote case? or i've download qt creator work?

marco's comment explains all. don't know why you're bothered size of package. want add is, can download qt alone if you'd use different ide eg. codeblocks , set qt development it's advisable use qt creator qt. qt creator can't build , debug code (except perhaps, want use other reasons) without qt because qt contains necessary tools purpose.

so download qt creator alone if have qt or want update old qt creator , download qt 5.4.1 windows if want development on windows , have qt creator installed or other ide can setup qt development.


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