R package creation questions -

i want create r package, i'm new in topic, , though i've checked excellent resources hadley wickham's r packages book, i've couple of questions i'd clarify:

  1. do need import stats package make use of lm function?
  2. how can make use of piping operator %>% in magrittr package since can not write library(magrittr)?
  3. if created function utility purposes shouldn't available end user, how can hide it?

any appreciated!

do need import stats package make use of lm function?

no. it's loaded automatically. need import packages not loaded when r boots (like lattice)

how can make use of piping operator %>% in magrittr package since can not write library(magrittr)?

i'd import hadley here in dplyr:

#' @importfrom magrittr %>% #' @name %>% #' @export #' @rdname chain #' @usage lhs \%>\% rhs null 

if you're not using roxygen2 document i'd recommend it, if you're reading hadley's tutorial go route.


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