delphi - idhttp.get component doesnt download full HTML File -

i working on program should download html file of wikipedia page , convert html pdf.

my program far downloads html file, without pictures , page looks incomplete.

is there way can bring idhttp.get component indy package download full html file?

unit unit3;    interface   uses    windows, messages, sysutils, variants, classes, graphics, controls,forms,   dialogs, stdctrls, idbasecomponent, idcomponent, idtcpconnection,        idhttp;  type tform3 = class(tform)   label1: tlabel;   button1: tbutton;   button2: tbutton;   idhttp1: tidhttp;   speichered: tedit;   savedialog1: tsavedialog;   auswahlb: tbutton;   nameed: tedit;   procedure button1click(sender: tobject);   procedure nameedenter(sender: tobject);   procedure auswahlbclick(sender: tobject);  private   { private declarations } public   { public declarations } end;   var   speicherort, form3: tform3;  implementation   uses   unit2, unit1, filectrl;   {$r *.dfm}   procedure tform3.button1click(sender: tobject); var responsestream: tfilestream;  begin   responsestream := tfilestream.create(speichered.text, fmcreate);  try    idhttp1.get(url, responsestream);;     end;    showmessage('download abgeschlossen');   end;   procedure tform3.auswahlbclick(sender: tobject); var dir : string; begin   dir := extractfilepath(application.exename);  if selectdirectory ('bitte ein verzeichnis auswählen','',dir)       speichered.text := (dir+'\'+nameed.text+'.html');        end;    procedure tform3.nameedenter(sender: tobject);   begin  nameed.text := ''; end;  end. 


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