Add command to Grails build process -

i using grails-cdn-asset-pipline plugin. i've gone through installation , configuration steps on github , reach usage section says

add command build process (usually before war generation , deployment).

// if settings defined in config.groovy grails asset-cdn-push // or grails asset-cdn-push --provider=s3 --directory=my-bucket --gzip=true --storage-path=some-prefix --expires=365 --region=eu-west-1 --access-key=$my_s3_access_key --secret-key=$my_s3_secret_key 

where in project put command?

is can within context of project, or need keep separate in build process , run in environment jenkins?

in _events.groovy, tried invoke script in eventcreatewarstart, having no luck there. (code taken this question)

eventcreatewarstart = { warname, stagingdir ->     def pluginmanager = pluginmanagerholder.pluginmanager     def plugin = pluginmanager.getgrailsplugin("cdn-asset-pipline")     def plugindir = plugin.descriptor.file.parentfile      map<string, string> env = system.getenv()     final processbuilder = new processbuilder() file("${cdnassetpipelineplugindir}/scripts"))     processbuilder.command([env['grails_home']+"/bin/grails","cdn-asset-push"])     println     process proc = processbuilder.start()     proc.consumeprocessoutput(out, err)      proc.waitfor() } 

this link explains run-script functionality merged grails 1.3.6. ran same problem of not knowing run automatically.


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