Python : array tuple extraction -


like have many tuples, how can extract uids want alex, beth , anyother uid in results array

i can

uid_val_list=[] _,val in enumerate(results):         list_vals=val[0].split(",")      uid_val=list_vals[0].split("=")[1]      uid_val_list.append(uid_val) 

is there better way it?


import re  results = [('uid=alex,class=zenth', {'age': ['12'], 'uidnumber': ['12ac']}), ('uid=beth,class=nenth', {'age': ['22'], 'uidnumber': ['13sd']})]  c = re.compile('uid=(?p<uid>.+?),')  uid_val_list = [[0]).group('uid') result in results] print(uid_val_list) 
  1. make compiled before search may speed up.
  2. except list comprehension, can use map() if like.


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