c# - WCF Service Authorizing with Active Directory - Access Denied Error -

i have question around wcf authorization against domain account on http traffic hosted on iis (none production no ssl cert available use on internet)

i'd know how set windows authentication client web service. i'm testing on same lan proxies not problem

i have included list of tried steps @ end of post

edit: error occurring access denied, nothing else, given try, catch in client application. if there way more detailed information, please let me know , ill add result post.

wcf service code:

[aspnetcompatibilityrequirements(requirementsmode = aspnetcompatibilityrequirementsmode.allowed)]    servicebehavior(instancecontextmode = instancecontextmode.single, concurrencymode = concurrencymode.single, includeexceptiondetailinfaults = true)]      public class data : idata     {         [principalpermission(securityaction.demand, role=@"administrators")]          public list<incident> getcases()         {                          queries query = new queries();              list<incident> ilist = query.callcases();              return ilist;           }    } 

wcf web config bindings:

<wshttpbinding>     <binding name="transportsecurity">         <security mode="none">             <message clientcredentialtype="windows" algorithmsuite="default"/>         </security>     </binding> </wshttpbinding> 

wcf web config behavior:

<behavior name="behaviour1">     <servicemetadata httpgetenabled="true" httpgeturl=""/>     <servicedebug includeexceptiondetailinfaults="true" />     <userequestheadersformetadataaddress>         <defaultports>             <add scheme="http" port="9577" /> ///this port correct         </defaultports>     </userequestheadersformetadataaddress> </behavior> 

wcf web config service:

<service behaviorconfiguration="behaviour1" name="webservice1.data">     <endpoint address="" binding="wshttpbinding" bindingconfiguration="transportsecurity" contract="webservice1.idata">          <identity>               <dns value="demo.domainname.co.uk" />          </identity>     </endpoint>     <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexhttpbinding" contract="imetadataexchange" /> </service> 

client application (has service reference added)

            dataclient client = new dataclient();          appdomain.currentdomain.setprincipalpolicy(principalpolicy.windowsprincipal);         principalpermission principalperm = new principalpermission(null, "administrators");         principalperm.demand();         console.writeline("demand succeeded.");          client.clientcredentials.windows.clientcredential.domain = "domain name";         client.clientcredentials.windows.clientcredential.username = "user account";         client.clientcredentials.windows.clientcredential.password = "password";          //client.clientcredentials.username.username = @"useraccount@domain.com";         //client.clientcredentials.username.password = "password";         //client.clientcredentials.useidentityconfiguration = true;          try         {             list<incident> cases = client.getcases().tolist();              foreach (incident inc in cases)             {                 console.writeline(inc.caseid);             }          }          catch (exception ex)         {             console.writeline(ex.message);         } 

attempted resolutions:

  • using domain , local users
  • modifying client credential type basic, ntlm , windows
  • using setting iis use
  • iis has basic , windows authentication enabled

if need more information please don't hesitate ask.

thanks can provide

@tim pointed me in right direction, resolution:

<wshttpbinding> <binding name="transportsecurity">     <security mode="message">         <message clientcredentialtype="windows" algorithmsuite="default"/>     </security> </binding> </wshttpbinding> 

because have no ssl certificate needed set security mode message, getting confused people test using ssl, require transport security had set none testing.

thanks tim


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