javascript - AngularJS not loading views in firefox -

i'm venturing first try in angularjs world. i'm using ui-router states. google chrome loading states without problem while firefox doesn't respond. firebug doesn't show stack, error without anything.

firebug screenshot

here state:

.state('showads', {         url: "/ads",         templateurl: "views/ads/index.html",         controller: "adsindexcontroller",         resolve: {             deps: ['$oclazyload', function($oclazyload) {                 return $oclazyload.load([{                     name: 'app',                     files: [                         'js/controllers/adscontrollers.js',                         'js/services/adservice.js',                     ]                 }]);             }]         }     }) 

i found problem. i'm using µblock, extension block ads, , it's blocking request because name of file ads.html.


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