extjs - Define new xtype fields sencha touch MVC -

i have create new xtype in sencha application don't know have put code. tried create new file , add in views array in app.js doesn't work because new xtype field not view

ext.define('dynamo.field.patterntext', { extend : 'ext.field.text', xtype  : 'patterntextfield',  config : {     pattern : '[0-9]*' },  updatepattern : function(pattern) {     var component = this.getcomponent();      component.updatefieldattribute('pattern', pattern); },  initialize : function() {     this.callparent();      var component = this.getcomponent();      component.input.on({         scope   : this,         keydown : 'onkeydown'     }); },  onkeydown : function(e) {     var code = e.browserevent.keycode;      if (!(code >= 48 && code <= 57) && !(code >= 97 && code <= 105) && code !== 46 && code !== 8 && code !== 188 && code != 190) {         e.stopevent();     } } 


usually, custom made components declared under ext.ux namespace.

you can put file anywhere want long configure ext.loader correctly:

ext.loader.setconfig({     enabled : true,     paths: {               'ext.ux' : 'js/ux'     } }); 

using config put of custom components in js/ux folder auto loading. particular file path js/ux/field/patterntext.js

also need use correct namespace extending field:

ext.define('ext.ux.field.patterntext', {     extend : 'ext.form.field.text', 


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