javascript - Mouse Out Orange Div "CurrentHeight" is not applying -

old demo

latest demo intermadiate issue

on hover iam calculating current height of div , adding 50px through jquery. on mouseout current height not applying

for example:

currentheight = 20px (this height dynamic)

addheight = 50px

so div 70px on mousehover

when mouseout currentheight should same i.e., 20px (this height dynamic)

js code :

txt__mouse__hover : function(){                 $(".itemmastxt").hover(function () {                     currentheight = $(this).height();                     addheight = 50;                     $(this).animate({                         height:(currentheight + addheight)                     }, 200);                   }, function () {                                 alert(" --" + currentheight)                         $(this).animate({                         height:(currentheight)                     }, 200);                 }); 

check demo

   var counter = 0;    $(".itemmastxt").hover(function () {           if(inntertext !== $(this)[0].innertext){                 counter = 0;           }           if(counter == 0){                innerheight = $(this).innerheight();                innerheightadd = $(this).innerheight() + addheight;                inntertext = $(this)[0].innertext;           }           counter++;           $(this).stop().animate({             height:(innerheight + addheight)           }, 200);      }, function () {           $(this).stop().animate({                 height:(innerheightadd - addheight)           }, 200);     }); 


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