C++ ostream : no operator match << & expected initializer before '&' token -

thanks in advance help! program student registration program.

input via file , results out file. general idea learn c++, method overloading -including operators , fstream's. i'll post code compiler points please let me know if want see other code.

when go build compiler error points header file method, outside of class inside #endif. see below.

    std::ostream & operator << ( std::ostream & os, const registration & r); 

the implementation of file such:

std::ostream &operator <<( std::ostream & os, const registration & r  ) { os  << "student id: "   << r.getstudentid() << "\n"       << "semester:   "   << r.getsemester()  << "\n \n";  for(unsigned = 0; < r.getcount(); i++) {     os  << "\tunit name : " << r.getname(i) << "\n"         << "\tunit id : " << r.getid(i) << "\n"         << "\tcredit points : " << r.getcredits(i) << "\n"         << "\tstudent mark : " << r.getresult(i) << "\n"         << "\tdate : " << r.getday(i) << " " << r.getmonth(i) << " " << r.getyear(i) << "\n\n"; }  os  << "total credits :" << r.getcredits() << "\n"     << "number of units : " << r.getcount() << "\n"     << "average mark : " << r.getaverage();  return os; } 

and main()

 int main() { ifstream infile( "rinput.txt" ); if( !infile ) return -1;  registration r; infile >> r;  ofstream ofile( "routput.txt" );  ofile << r; // error here re- no match 'operator<<'  cout << "\ncomputation completed. check output file. \n";  return 0; } 

thanks again , help, hope isn't rookie error... it's late am.

edit: have "using namespace std" & #include in header files.

this code valid, except:

  • need #include <iostream>
  • need either add using namespace std; or add std:: before ifstream, ofstream, , cout.
  • need overload istream registration class.

edit: please add std:: rather using namespace std;. mentioned completeness. :)


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