excel - Operation not allowed when the object is closed in VBA -

i new site , vba, how managed write vba, got above error. please advise me changes in code. thanks

option explicit const constrsql string = "----"    sub copydatafromdatabase()  dim dataconn adodb.connection dim staffdata adodb.recordset dim datafiels adodb.field  set dataconn = new adodb.connection set staffdata = new adodb.recordset  dataconn.connectionstring = constrsql dataconn.open  on error goto closeconnection  staffdata .activeconnection = dataconn .source = "select ---" .locktype = adlockreadonly .cursortype = adopenkeyset  end  on error goto closerecordset  worksheets.add  each datafiels in staffdata.fields activecell.value = datafiels.name activecell.offset(0, 1).select next datafiels  range("a1").select range("a2").copyfromrecordset staffdata range("a1").currentregion.entirecolumn.autofit  closerecordset: staffdata.close   closeconnection: dataconn.close     end sub 

when remove closerecordset: staffdata.close

i got columns listed in excel, not data

please advise. thanks

your code defines recordset doesn't open it. adding:



range("a2").copyfromrecordset staffdata 

should solve problem.


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