java - Serialization of a class inside the class -

i'm trying make class singleton have serialize method. objective serialize singleton in own function. there way serialize class inside class ?

here sample of tried :

public void serialize() {     singleton commit = this.getinstance();      try {         fileoutputstream fileout = new fileoutputstream(new config().getdatafile());         objectoutputstream out = new objectoutputstream(fileout);         out.writeobject(commit);         out.close();         fileout.close();     } catch (exception e) {         system.out.println("unable commit database changes.");         e.printstacktrace(system.out);     } } 

and stack trace below :

unable commit database changes.     @     @     @ [...].singleton.serialize(     [...] 

does class implement serializable?

looking @ source code for objectoutputstream.writeobject0, throws notserializableexception if object not serializable.


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