vbscript - Object or Provider is not able to perform the requested operation -

i trying run classic asp application uses rds (remote data service) on windows server 2008

<object id="rds_accounts" classid="clsid:bd96c556-65a3-11d0-983a-00c04fc29e33"  height=1 width=1 viewastext> 

following code written in window_load() event

rds_accounts.executeoptions = 1 rds_accounts.fetchoptions = 1 rds_accounts.server = "<%=strserver%>" rds_accounts.connect =connect rds_accounts.sql = "select account_type_id, client_id, account_type_desc     tbl_ap_chart_account_type     client_id=<% = session("clientid")%>     order account_type_desc " rds_accounts.refresh dim accountrst set accountrst = rds_accounts.recordset 

here connect variable have value rdsconn.inc file have value

handler=msdfmap.handler;data source=amtapp; 

this handler picks value msdfmap.ini file located in c:\windows folder contains oledb connection stringor dsn name. when run code gives me exception

object or provider not able perform requested operation on rds_accounts.refresh method.


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