android - How to emulate TrustZone in QEMU? -

i'm trying emulate trustzone features in qemu. i've found 2 links seems explain process.

the first reference doesn't attach image kernel supports trustzone (where can find it?)

the second reference explains how can compile kernel doesn't start command line written in first website follows

./arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm -kernel $path_to_kernel/zimage -m vexpress-a15 -cpu cortex-a15 -dtb path_to_dtb/vexpress-v2p-ca15-tc1.dtb -m 1024 -append 'console=ttyama0,38400n8' -serial stdio -initrd $path_to_initrd/initrd.img 

is there alternate way run trustzone emulator?

with op-tee (an open source tee) it's easy run trustzone on qemu. have entire stack running code normal world user space , linux kernel down secure world, running both tee trusted applications. qemu + op-tee works on both armv7-a , armv8-a. if want try out on local pc encourage head on optee_os/ , follow instructions in section 4.1, 5 (only qemu related) , 6. in we're talking less 10 commands in shell , you'll have source code downloaded, compiled , , running locally on pc.

i wrote blog post why qemu pretty choice doing trustzone development.


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