html - How to add fade effect to my Slideshow in JavaScript -

i created manual slide show website "next" , "previous" buttons , try use fade effect during transition of pictures, java's code find on web doesn't work codes (i'm novice)

sorry english , !

var num=1 img1 = new image () img1.src = "/images/image1.jpg"  img2 = new image () img2.src = "/images/image2.jpg" img3 = new image () img3.src = "/images/image3.jpg" img4 = new image () img4.src = "/images/image4.jpg"   function slideshowup() {     num=num+1     if (num==5)     {         num=1     }     document.mypic.src=eval("img"+num+".src")     document.joe.burns.value=eval("text"+num) }  function slideshowback() {     num=num-1     if (num==0)     {         num=4     }     document.mypic.src=eval("img"+num+".src")     document.joe.burns.value=eval("text"+num) }  <div style="position:absolute;top:50px;left:200px;width:423px;height:565px;">                 <img src="/images/image1.jpg" name="mypic" border=0 height="480" width="720"></div>  <p>  <form name="joe">  </form>  <p style="position:fixed;left:200px;top:540px;text-align: right;"><span style="font-family: 'arial' sans serif; font-size: 8pt;"><a href=""javascript:slideshowback()">prev</a>  | <a href="javascript:slideshowup()">next</a></span></p> 


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