wpf - MVVM Framework: Performance -

i'm searching framework use our nexts applications. have applications running winform , plan switch wpf(with new application, , refactoring gui). team of 9 people working solution.

we have big solution(currently, 300+ vs projects, ~1'500'000 line of code), when choosing framework, looking promote clean code, infrastructure, framework not slow(too much) application.

currently, i'm interessted in prism(which seems little bit complex understand) , caliburn.micro.

the caliburn.micro seems easier use, i'm little worried convention oriented stuff means lot of things done using reflection on runtime.

am correct? or done @ compilation ?

also i'm not sure should consider mvvm light, since lacks of documentation/targeted application sizes.

first of all, prism not mvvm framework. there prism.mvvm , lightweight mvvm library , it's independent of prism.

second, <listbox x:name="products" /> automatically databound viewmodel should not performance problem in caliburn.micro, because plain binding in wpf uses refelection anyway. not sure if caliburn uses reflection internally well, if does, it's hardly noticable @ runtime if dont in iterative scenario, e.g. inside itemsscontrol 1000+ items. if experience preformance issues, nothing prevents writing standard way. however, added value of questionable. imo brings more problems solves

if may give advice, don't use mvvm framework. need inotifypropertychanged implementation , delegatecommand (icommand implementation). in special cases may need eventaggregator. tell me, 3 classes worth framework? no, aren't. why introduce dependency third party library?

if going start such large solution, investment write own base class library negligible. can take source code of class or 2 prism , use them in own library.

the problem framework developers tend over-engineer simple scenarios, such using eventaggregator plain event or direct reference more suitable. or take prism example, use regions , view injection simple itemscontrol used.

after 6 years experience wpf became big proponent of viewmodel-first approach. mvvm becomes simpler. frameworks work better view-first approach.

so, vote not use mvvm framework. if have use one, choose prism.mvvm. , @ source codes, written.


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