postgresql - Hstore array attribute won't update in code, but works in console -

this works in rails console:

pry(main)> calendar.update({"open_times"=>[{"start"=>"1111-11-11t00:30:00.000z", "end"=>"1111-11-11t04:00:00.000z", "title"=>" "}]})    (0.3ms)  savepoint active_record_1    (0.2ms)  release savepoint active_record_1 => true 

but same update method doesn't work anywhere else (model, controller, etc.). error returned typeerror: can't cast array to. doesn't can't cast array (though assume hstore).

here's migration column:

def change   enable_extension 'hstore'   add_column :calendars, :open_times, :hstore, array: true, default: [], null: false end 


restarted servers (rails/postgres), tried again. worked.


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