java - Debug JSP using Eclipse and JBoss -

i need debug jsp files using eclipse , jboss. have big project. have made remote debug. configured jboss , created debug configuration in eclipse. if put breakpoint in place inside java class - works , execution stops @ breakpoint. i'm trying same thing inside jsp file execution doesn't stop @ breakpoint. should make jsp breakpoints work?

after building , compilation i'm getting ear file.

i'm using eclipse luna java ee developers , jboss application server 7.1.1.

i'm setting breakpoints on java code inside jsp file. jboss starts with bat file:

@echo off rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem jboss bootstrap script windows rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------  rem $id$  @if not "%echo%" == ""  echo %echo% @if "%os%" == "windows_nt" setlocal  if "%os%" == "windows_nt" (   set "dirname=%~dp0%" ) else (   set dirname=.\ )  rem read optional configuration file. if "x%standalone_conf%" == "x" (    set "standalone_conf=%dirname%standalone.conf.bat" ) if exist "%standalone_conf%" (    echo calling "%standalone_conf%"    call "%standalone_conf%" %* ) else (    echo config file not found "%standalone_conf%" )  pushd %dirname%.. set "resolved_jboss_home=%cd%" popd  if "x%jboss_home%" == "x" (   set "jboss_home=%resolved_jboss_home%" )  pushd "%jboss_home%" set "sanitized_jboss_home=%cd%" popd  if "%resolved_jboss_home%" neq "%sanitized_jboss_home%" (     echo warning jboss_home may pointing different installation - unpredictable results may occur. )  set dirname=  if "%os%" == "windows_nt" (   set "progname=%~nx0%" ) else (   set "progname=standalone.bat" )  rem setup jboss specific properties set java_opts=%java_opts% -xdebug -xnoagent set java_opts=%java_opts% -xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=6687,server=y,suspend=n set java_opts=%java_opts% set java_opts=%java_opts% -dlog4j.ignoretcl=true set java_opts=%java_opts% -dwin.debug=0 set java_opts=%java_opts% set java_opts=%java_opts% -xms256m -xmx2024m -xx:maxpermsize=1024m set java_opts=%java_opts% set java_home=c:\java\jdk1.7.0_25\  if "x%java_home%" == "x" (   set  java=java   echo java_home not set. unexpected results may occur.   echo set java_home directory of local jdk avoid message. ) else (   set "java=%java_home%\bin\java" )  if not "%preserve_java_opts%" == "true" (   rem add -client jvm options, if supported (32 bit vm), , not overriden   echo "%java_opts%" | findstr /i \-server > nul   if errorlevel == 1 (     "%java%" -client -version 2>&1 | findstr /i /c:"client vm" > nul     if not errorlevel == 1 (       set "java_opts=-client %java_opts%"     )   )    rem add compressed oops, if supported (64 bit vm), , not overriden   echo "%java_opts%" | findstr /i "\-xx:\-usecompressedoops \-client" > nul   if errorlevel == 1 (     "%java%" -xx:+usecompressedoops -version > nul 2>&1     if not errorlevel == 1 (       set "java_opts=-xx:+usecompressedoops %java_opts%"     )   )    rem add tiered compilation, if supported (64 bit vm), , not overriden   echo "%java_opts%" | findstr /i "\-xx:\-tieredcompilation \-client" > nul   if errorlevel == 1 (     "%java%" -xx:+tieredcompilation -version > nul 2>&1     if not errorlevel == 1 (       set "java_opts=-xx:+tieredcompilation %java_opts%"     )   ) )  rem find jboss-modules.jar, or can't continue if exist "%jboss_home%\jboss-modules.jar" (     set "runjar=%jboss_home%\jboss-modules.jar" ) else (   echo not locate "%jboss_home%\jboss-modules.jar".   echo please check in bin directory when running script.   goto end )  rem setup jboss specific properties  rem setup java endorsed dirs set jboss_endorsed_dirs=%jboss_home%\lib\endorsed  rem set default module root paths if "x%jboss_modulepath%" == "x" (   set  "jboss_modulepath=%jboss_home%\modules" )  rem set standalone base dir if "x%jboss_base_dir%" == "x" (   set  "jboss_base_dir=%jboss_home%\standalone" ) rem set standalone log dir if "x%jboss_log_dir%" == "x" (   set  "jboss_log_dir=%jboss_base_dir%\log" ) rem set standalone configuration dir if "x%jboss_config_dir%" == "x" (   set  "jboss_config_dir=%jboss_base_dir%/configuration" )  echo =============================================================================== echo. echo   jboss bootstrap environment echo. echo   jboss_home: %jboss_home% echo. echo   java: %java% echo. echo   java_opts: %java_opts% echo. echo =============================================================================== echo.  :restart "%java%" %java_opts% ^  "-dorg.jboss.boot.log.file=%jboss_log_dir%\boot.log" ^  "-dlogging.configuration=file:%jboss_config_dir%/" ^     -jar "%jboss_home%\jboss-modules.jar" ^     -mp "%jboss_modulepath%" ^     -jaxpmodule "javax.xml.jaxp-provider" ^ ^     -djboss.home.dir="%jboss_home%" ^      %*  if errorlevel 10 goto restart  :end if "x%nopause%" == "x" pause  :end_no_pause 

i'm not using jboss tools, i'm reading how use them now. can't ddebug before putting in ear file because it's huge project , depends on everything.

i have trouble too. using eclipse luna + jboss tools (luna) + jboss 7.1.1 final. jboss started eclipse in debugging modus. no 1 breakepoint working in jsp, in class files. found bug of jboss 7.1.x (

i downloaded eap 6.1 (old name - jboss 7.2.0) - working perfect jboss tools (luna) 4.2.3 final.


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