Qt - draw pixmap (.png file) with QPainter from resources -

i have problems drawing image on qwidget qpainter resources. i'm sure i'm missing dont know what. if use absolute path, works fine.

so question is: should if want draw .png file resources qpainter? (what missing?)

here simple test code:


#ifndef widget_h #define widget_h  #include <qwidget> #include <qpaintevent> #include <qpixmap> #include <qpainter>  class widget : public qwidget {     q_object      public:         widget(qwidget *parent = 0);      protected:         void paintevent(qpaintevent* e);  };  #endif // widget_h 


#include "widget.h"  widget::widget(qwidget *parent): qwidget(parent) { }  void widget::paintevent(qpaintevent *e) {      qpainter painter(this);      qpixmap pixmap1("c:/qt/projects/pixmaptest/image.png");     qpixmap pixmap2(":/img/image.png");     qpixmap pixmap3("qrc:/img/image.png");       painter.drawpixmap(10,10,50,50, pixmap1);  // works     painter.drawpixmap(10,70,50,50, pixmap2); // not     painter.drawpixmap(10,130,50,50, pixmap3); // neither } 

img.qrc file:

<rcc>     <qresource prefix="/img">         <file>image.png</file>     </qresource> </rcc> 

and .pro file:

#------------------------------------------------- # # project created qtcreator 2015-04-01t17:11:38 # #-------------------------------------------------  qt       += core gui  greaterthan(qt_major_version, 4): qt += widgets  target = pixmaptest template = app   sources += main.cpp\         widget.cpp  headers  += widget.h  forms    +=  resources += \     img.qrc 

as expected, stupid problem. had clean project, run qmake , build... svlasov :)

edit: in order draw .png file qpainter , qpixmap resources, have to: add picture resources

<rcc>     <qresource prefix="/img">         <file>image.png</file>     </qresource> </rcc> 

then can use relative path file in resources here (format ":/prefix/you/created/file.something" or can use alias - here documentation)

qpixmap pixmap2(":/img/image.png"); 

then draw it

qpainter painter(this); painter.drawpixmap(10,70,50,50, pixmap2); 

and clean , build project , work :)


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