ios - Nothing happening when sending push notification with raix:push -

i trying push notification browser console using raix (version 2.6.1). have tried pushing using php script this tutorial , works certificate , key have, when tried raix, nothing happen on phone. tried doing:

push.send({from: "pushfrom", title:"hello", text:"world", token:{apn: "my_ios_device_token"}}); 

this config.push.json

{   "apn": {     "passphrase": "xxxxxxx",     "key": "aps_key.pem",     "cert": "aps_cer.pem"   },    "badge": true,   "sound": true,   "alert": true,   "vibrate": true } 

i have insecure package, still, tried adding push.allow , didn't help.

how know whether notification being pushed apns or nothing happening @ all?

i'll try giving close answer possible:

try using $ meteor shell server console send messages, server doesn't require allow/deny rules sending (it's client-side security)

behind scenes theres 2 collections:

  • push.notifications - containing pending notifications send (these queued)
  • push.appcollection - 1 keeps , maintain tokens (eg. removes tokens if revoked gcm/apn services)

so can use meteor shell check if client app registres push token - if should ready send message eg. directly via meteor shell.

if don't tokens client in push.appcollection - have config or certificate issue - that's hard part of push notifications.

if tokens push.appcollection it's prop. server setup. certificates, i've added guide on raix:push repo testing server certs. think in ports, need have ports open server communicate gcm/apn service. think in firewalls etc. depending on your/client setup , security level on wifi etc.

please out improving documentation on project - built thing , take alot granted, there might missing clue etc. documentation.

you can use query: {} instead of sending 1 specific token (while testing)

latest version @ 2.6.6,

push notifications besides scrolling smallest hardest feature work with.

kind regards morten


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