- ASP membership send registration HTML mail with image -

i have site membership provider. when user registered send mail registration compilation .txt file (containing html). trying add image html. problem cant see image in mail. 'images' folder under main site folder.

confermation.txt file

<body style='text-align:right;font-family:arial'> <div style='margin:0 auto'>     <img id="image1" src="images/logo.png" style="width:350px;" />      <br />     please press following link<br />     <br />     <a href="<%verificationurl%>">press here</a>     <br /><br />       </div>

<asp:createuserwizard runat="server" enableviewstate="false"             disablecreateduser="true" id="createuserwizard1" width="300px             onsendingmail="createuserwizard_sendingmail">             <layouttemplate>                 <asp:placeholder id="wizardstepplaceholder" runat="server"></asp:placeholder>                 <asp:placeholder id="navigationplaceholder" runat="server"></asp:placeholder>             </layouttemplate>             <createuserbuttonstyle cssclass="btnregister" height="35px"></createuserbuttonstyle>              <maildefinition from=""                  isbodyhtml="true" subject="registration" bodyfilename="confermation.txt">             </maildefinition>             <wizardsteps> 

why cant see image? tried src="logo.png" , src="../images/logo.png" no success.

you adding html(browser type) coding in txt(simple text file) file. can't run or understand browser. use mail type html can solve problem


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