javascript - VBScript set value at onload -

i have hta vbscript has element set variable, sn2:

<script language="vbscript">document.getelementbyid("computername").value = sn2</script> 

set print out html textbox:

<html><input class="inputs" type=text id="computername" name=computername /></html> 

and works well! however, wanted set value display in textbox on onload

to this, set vbscript function <body onload="myfunction()">. , works well, except there function need set body onload

so wondering if there way set document.getelementbyid("computername").value = sn2 onload in different way.

i know way in javascript, can set document.getelementbyid("computername").onload, doesn't seem working in vbscript. can done in vbscript, , if so, how? can't use javascript case. i'm referring this method (although don't need of iframe stuff have in example). reason js way doesn't translate in vbscript.

thanks input!

you can call many functions onload:

<body onload="firstfunction();secondfunction() "> 


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