mysql - How would I right a select statement to query this database? -

how right select statement if wanted find out how many people first name "jim" have passed test?

also if wanted instructor forename , surname, client forename , surname , date every test after 9:00 on 10/03/2015?

here relational schema database.

client (clientno, forename, surname, gender, address, telno, prolicenceno)

instructor (instructorid, forename, surname, gender, address, telno, licenceno, carno)

car (carno, regno, model)

lesson (clientno, ondate, attime, instructorid)

test (clientno, ondate, attime, instructorid, centreid, status, reason)

centre (centreid, name, address)

primary keys in bold , foreign keys in italic. no foreign keys allowed null.

thanks! :)

try joining between client , test table like:

select c.forename, count(c.forname) client c inner join test t on c.clientno = t.clientno c.forename = 'jim' ,   t.status = 'pass' group c.forname 


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