visual studio 2010 - MITK Build Error -

i build manually qt 4.7.4 64bit , use cmake-gui in window7 make mitk source.

configure.exe -debug-and-release -qt-sql-sqlite -no-multimedia -no-audio-backend -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -no-declarative -mp -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake docs -opensource -platform win32-msvc2013 

after make mitk, build use visual studio 2010 64bit

but there error this

error   91  error : not find cmake_generator in cache d:\mitk\mitk-superbuild-msvc2010_x64-03\custombuild  error   89  error msb6006: "cmd.exe" exited code 1.    c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft.cpp\v4.0\microsoft.cppcommon.targets   151 

what can solve problem?

i had similar problem. 2 links helpful:

firstly downloaded patch.exe gnuwin32 site. added path in system variables.

and using cmake builded mitk source file:

during procedures blocked antivirus. it's working fine.


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