swift - Push to UINavigationController from AppDelegate via remote notification -

my initial view controller tab bar controller, in tab controller there several uinavigationcontrollers, in 1 of uinavigationcontrollers modal presented uinavigationcontroller created flow of uiviewcontrollers.

i need respond received remote notification in app delegate pushing 1 of “deepest” parts of view hierarchy.

i can recreate uinavigationcontroller , launch proper uiviewcontroller name, leaves user high , dry no other place go.

is there way user proper flow of navigation?

the way got work, in didreceiveremotenotification method of app delegate:

let roottabbarcontroller = self.window?.rootviewcontroller uitabbarcontroller  let mainstoryboard : uistoryboard = uistoryboard(name: "main", bundle: nil)  let firstnavigationcontroller = mainstoryboard.instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier("firstnavvc") uinavigationcontroller  roottabbarcontroller.viewcontrollers![0] = firstnavigationcontroller  let vcontrollerforfirstnavcontroller = (roottabbarcontroller.viewcontrollers![0] uinavigationcontroller).topviewcontroller mainviewcontroller  let firstdetailsnavcontroller = mainstoryboard.instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier("detailsnavcontroller") maindetailsmenunavigationcontroller  let detailsvc = firstdetailsnavcontroller.topviewcontroller maindetailsviewcontroller  firstnavigationcontroller.presentviewcontroller(firstdetailsnavcontroller, animated: false, completion: nil)  let specificinfovc = mainstoryboard.instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier("sdetails") specificdetailsviewcontroller  firstdetailsnavcontroller.pushviewcontroller(specificinfovc, animated: true) 


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