mysql - Error #1064, with Select column,* from table -

okay, debugging , found wired error, should documented somewhere, search mysql documentation , didn't found anything. here sql query, produce 1064 error near * table,

select char_length(zip), zip, *  tbllocations  

but below 1 works fine:

select *, char_length(zip), zip tbllocations  

cannot use * @ end of column list? test query on mysql 5.5.41 , mysql 5.0.95. didn't notice error before. rewrite query avoid special/hidden characters.

aren't same query except change in order of columns? explanation or resource one.


just run select char_length(zip), zip, tbllocations.* tbllocations , works fine? looks hitting bug? or logical, missing?

from mysql docs:

  • a select list consisting of single unqualified * can used shorthand select columns tables:

  • select * t1 inner join t2 ... tbl_name.* can used qualified shorthand select columns named table:

  • select t1.*, t2.* t1 inner join t2 ... use of unqualified * other items in select list may produce parse error. avoid problem, use qualified tbl_name.* reference

    select avg(score), t1.* t1 ...


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