opencv3.0 - Install opencv 3.0.0-beta on ubuntu 14.04 with anaconda python 2.7 -

please can change on installing opencv 3.0.0-beta on ubuntu 14.04 having gpu running theano doesn't remove nvidia did intially. use anaconda python 2.7 , after installing opencv, works c++ example not python example because of error importing module cv2. figured out not linking python , "install conda cv2" asks make cmake. did not complete anymore. help. on change in cmake in link

i having similar issue getting opencv 3.0 beta compile python wrappers using anaconda. ended using following call cmake:

cd <open_cv_source_directory> mkdir release cd release cmake -d cmake_build_type=release \       -d cmake_install_prefix=/home/<user>/opencv \         -d python_include_dir=/home/<user>/anaconda/include/python2.7/ \        -d python_include_dir2=/home/<user>/anaconda/include/python2.7 \         -d python_library=/home/<user>/anaconda/lib/ \         -d python_packages_path=/home/<user>/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ \        -d build_examples=on \        -d build_new_python_support=on \        -d python2_library=/home/lm/anaconda/lib/ \        -d build_opencv_python3=off \        -d build_opencv_python2=on .. 

i'm not sure if of needed, configures correctly , builds/installs correctly.


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