xcode - Swift TableViewController is in Landscape -

i have tableviewcontroller when row tapped on goes url using kinwebbrowserviewcontroller. tableviewcontroller should in portrait kinwebbrowserviewcontroller can landscape or portrait. when go tableviewcontroller in landscape tableviewcontroller in landscape. how can stop this?

the code orientation:

class customnc: uinavigationcontroller {      override func supportedinterfaceorientations() -> int {         if visibleviewcontroller kinwebbrowserviewcontroller { return int(uiinterfaceorientationmask.all.rawvalue) }         return int(uiinterfaceorientationmask.portrait.rawvalue)} } 

the code didselectrowatindexpath:

override func tableview(tableview: uitableview, didselectrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) {      let linkitem = linklabels[indexpath.row] string      let webbrowser = kinwebbrowserviewcontroller()     let url = nsurl(string: linkitem)     webbrowser.actionbuttonhidden = true     webbrowser.loadurl(url)      self.navigationcontroller?.pushviewcontroller(webbrowser, animated: true) } 

any help?


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