ironpython - How to install numpy and scipy for Ironpython27? Old method doens't work -

i think popular way before:

but link no longer exist:

i found clone instruction, , found clone of on github. no longer exists in internet(i googled it, failed find it)

getting started scipy .net

1.) ironpython download , install ironpython 2.7, require .net v4.0.

2.) modify path

add install location on path, usually: c:\program file\ironpython 2.7

but on 64-bit windows systems is: c:\program file (x86)\ironpython 2.7

as check, open windows command prompt , go directory (which not above) , type:

ipy -v pythoncontext on .net 4.0.30319.225

3.) ironpkg

bootstrap ironpkg, package install manager binary (egg based) python packages. download , type:

ipy --install
ironpkg command should available:

ironpkg -h (some useful text displayed here)

4.) scipy

installing scipy easy:

ironpkg scipy numpy-2.0.0b2-1.egg


i think have done as can do. body succeed install numpy , scipy ironpython27?

for struggling numpy/scipy install ironpythopn, enthought have moved download link . link allow in if registered.

therefore first you'd have register free, open above link, follow steps below

  1. download ironpython-2.7.msi , install it.

  2. download above link.

  3. using command line navigate directory placed , run ipy --install check whether install worked using ironpkg -h
  4. the last step lightly different 1 suggested enthoughts. running ironpkg scipy won't work looks @ old web address download. instead download eggs , index-depend.txt above link. installation work, have modify download location in config file point local drive instead of website. config file can found @ user directory eg.c:\users\nilster\.ironpkg . open in textpad , change location directory downloaded eggs eg, mine looks

    indexedrepos = ['file://c:\work\python\enthought_eggs',]

  5. then run following install numpy/scipy ironpkg scipy

  6. check whether install worked using ipy -x:frames -c "import scipy"


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