Java: Font doesn't load (from external file) -

in folder called data, have font file called font.ttf.

i want read in, that:

try {    font f = font.createfont(font.truetype_font,        new file("data/font.ttf")).derivefont(12.0); } catch (ioexception | fontformatexception e) {    system.err.println(e.tostring()); } 

that worked fine until point removed same font system (it's still in data folder!). now, it's showing generic , feel font.

is possible read in font file not in system fonts folder?

you don't seem doing font f once you've loaded in, might losing due block scoping.

font fallback = load system default; font myfont = null;  ...  try {   file ffile = new file("data/font.ttf");   myfont = font.createfont(font.truetype_font, ffile).derivefont(12); } catch (fontformatexception ffe) {   system.out.println("tried load bad font...");   ffe.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception ioe) {   system.out.println("i have no idea went wrong");   ioe.printstacktrace(); } {   loadmyapplication(myfont == null ? fallback : myfont); } 

or if absolutely need font correct ui building or content rendering, call loadmyapplication in try block, catches prevent application loading.


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