hadoop - Copying a file to HDFS2 via camel doesn't work -

does have example of writing files hdfs2 via camel?

i tried following code :

import org.apache.camel.camelcontext; import org.apache.camel.producertemplate; import org.apache.camel.builder.routebuilder; import org.apache.camel.impl.defaultcamelcontext;  public final class main {      private main() {     }      public static void main(string args[]) throws exception {         camelcontext context = new defaultcamelcontext();         context.addroutes(new routebuilder() {             public void configure() {                 from("file:c:\\files\\src\\2015-03-31_16-58-56.png?noop=true")                         .to("hdfs2://xxxx:9000/testcamel/d2/qwe.png");                         //.to("file:c:\\files\\out");             }         });         //producertemplate template = context.createproducertemplate();          context.start();          context.stop();     } } 

the files created in hdfs of them empty (0 bytes).

make sure noop=false when consume file hdfs. hdfs component uses chunk consume, if noop true, camel think consumed it.


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