java - How to read string data from JAXBElement<byte[]> -

i have web-service returns data in below xml form

<epsbinaryex xmlns="http://eprise"> <errorstring>no error</errorstring> <errornum>1</errornum> <data>ajhsdjasjajadjhgasd</data> </epsbinaryex> 

class epsbinaryex has getdata() method below

public jaxbelement<byte[]> getdata() {         return data;     } 

my aim read data tag's content base64 string. calling webservice , trying read element in following way

pswebservice service = new pswebservice();                    pswebservicesoap soap = service.getpswebservicesoap(); epsbinaryex base64data = soap.getuploadeddocument(token, pageid); system.out.println(base64data.getdata.getvalue()); 

this gives offset address output. tried using arrays.tostring(base64data.getdata().getvalue()) , (new string(base64data.getdata().getvalue()) well. first method gives me array of numbers , second method displays non-readable characters.

can please me out in reading data tag? need output "ajhsdjasjajadjhgasd" in above example.

any appreciated.

thanks, sam.


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