swift - Estimote Nearables -


i trying find proximity of nearable. constructing switch statement check if near, intermidetate, far etc. working in swift.

i have ranged nearable , in delegate method :

 func nearablemanager(manager: estnearablemanager!, didrangenearable nearable: estnearable!) {     self.nearable = nearable  } 

when try , zone doesn't find it, nearable.zone not found - don't know wrong. ideas ?

i had same problem. here so question

seems swift compiler doesn't want use zone method reason assumes want call zone method nsobject, returns nszone * struct , can not used in arc environment.

i fixed problem introducing category 1 new method returns value old one.

i added category bridging header. worked fine.

#import <estimotesdk/estimotesdk.h>  @interface estnearable (ex)  /// solving compiler problem "zone" method unavailable in swift @property (readonly) estnearablezone nearablezone;  @end  // implementation  @implementation estnearable (ex)  - (estnearablezone)nearablezone {     return self.zone; }  @end 

after used nearablezone method in swift

var zone = somenearable.nearablezone 


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