actionscript - How to run .swf file in any pc? without any movie player -

i hv done project in flash client. hv used actionscript 3 hide mouse , used full screen code in frame 1 in flash file. client saying not getting full screen , mouse hide after opening .swf file. running in pc. code given below.

(1) pls 1 provide guide in situation.
(2) how client can open .swf file in pc.
in pc not open (unknown file format)?
plugin required run .swf file?

/* used in action on first frame */     stage.displaystate = stagedisplaystate.full_screen_interactive;     stage.scalemode = stagescalemode.show_all;     mouse.hide(); 

for actionscript, can make swf on fullscreen mode using fscommand() :

fscommand('fullscreen', 'true'); fscommand('allowscale', 'false'); mouse.hide() 

and then, can export swf projector ( .exe file, including swf , flash player, final user can open in windows machine ) opened in fullscreen mode automatically.

from flash ide, can make projector going menu file > publish settings ... > publish - other formats > win projector , type name of exe file output file , press publish button save exe in same dir swf.

then have distribute projector final users.

hope can help.


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