getting error for argument order disorder in a python program -

when run following code error follows:

 trip_cost should take 3 parameters: city, days, , spending_money (in order). 

the following code have same order of argument said. still getting same error returning trip cost 1995.

def plane_ride_cost(city):     if city == "charlotte":        return 183     elif city == "tampa":         return 220      elif city == "pittsburgh":         return 222     elif city == "losangeles":         return 475  def rental_car_cost(days):     cost = 40      if days >= 7:         return (cost * days - 50)     elif days >= 3 < 7:         return (cost * days - 20)     elif days < 3:         return (cost * days)  def hotel_cost(nights):     return 140 * nights  def money(spending_money):     return spending_money  def trip_cost(city,days,spending_money):      total_trip_cost = plane_ride_cost(city) + rental_car_cost(days) + hotel_cost(days) + money(spending_money)     return total_trip_cost  print trip_cost("losangeles",5,600) 


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