Use the HTML class property in CSS file -

i have html div tag belows:

<div id="cookiemsgbox" class="blue" style="display: block;"> 

this consists of few links , span tags. of them appear in blue color because of class=blue; property.

now instead of putting in html tag wish use class property in css. have written belows:

#cookiemsgbox {  class: blue; } 

also tried :

#cookiemsgbox {  class: #364395; } 

but not works. links , span elemnets appear gray(colorless).

where going wrong ? please help. :)

in css use color: blue;. understand css selectors refer

#cookiemsgbox {     color: blue; } 


  • # selects id attribute
  • . selects class attribute.

#cookiemsgbox selects element id="cookiemsgbox".

.blue selects elements class="blue"


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