.net - Split collection into n of parts is not giving the desired resulting secuences -

i'm trying split collection specific number of parts, i've taken seeying solutions on stackoverflow: split collection `n` parts linq?

this vb.net translation @hasan khan solution:

''' <summary> ''' splits <see cref="ienumerable(of t)"/> specified amount of secuences. ''' </summary> public shared function splitintoparts(of t)(byval col ienumerable(of t),                                             byval amount integer) ienumerable(of ienumerable(of t))      dim integer = 0      dim splits ienumerable(of ienumerable(of t)) =                  item t in col                  group item item = threading.interlocked.increment(i) mod amount                  group                  select group.asenumerable()      return splits   end function 

and vb.net translation of @manu08 solution:

''' <summary> ''' splits <see cref="ienumerable(of t)"/> specified amount of secuences. ''' </summary> public shared function splitintoparts(of t)(byval col ienumerable(of t),                                             byval amount integer) ienumerable(of ienumerable(of t))      return col.select(function(item, index) new {index, item}).                groupby(function(x) x.index mod amount).                select(function(x) x.select(function(y) y.item))  end function 

the problem both functions returns wrong result.

because if split collection this:

dim maincol ienumerable(of integer) = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}  dim splittedcols ienumerable(of ienumerable(of integer)) =     splitintoparts(col:=maincol, amount:=2) 

both functions gives result:

1: { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 } 2: { 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 } 

instead of these secuences:

1: { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }  2: { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 } 

what i'm doing wrong?.

myextensions class has 2 public split methods:

  1. for icollection - iterates through collection only once - splitting.
  2. for ienumerable - iterates through enumerable twice: count items , split them. not use if possible (first 1 safe , twice faster).

more of that: algorithm trying bring exactly specified number of collections.

public static class myextensions {     // works icollection - iterates through collection once.     public static ienumerable<ienumerable<t>> split<t>(this icollection<t> items, int count)     {         return split(items, items.count, count);     }      // works ienumerable , iterates items twice: first count items, second split them.     public static ienumerable<ienumerable<t>> split<t>(this ienumerable<t> items, int count)     {                     // resharper disable possiblemultipleenumeration         var itemscount = items.count();         return split(items, itemscount, count);         // resharper restore possiblemultipleenumeration     }      private static ienumerable<ienumerable<t>> split<t>(this ienumerable<t> items, int itemscount, int partscount)     {         if (items == null)             throw new argumentnullexception("items");         if (partscount <= 0)             throw new argumentoutofrangeexception("partscount");          var rem = itemscount % partscount;         var min = itemscount / partscount;         var max = rem != 0 ? min + 1 : min;          var index = 0;         var enumerator = items.getenumerator();          while (index < itemscount)         {             var size = 0 < rem-- ? max : min;             yield return splitpart(enumerator, size);             index += size;         }     }      private static ienumerable<t> splitpart<t>(ienumerator<t> enumerator, int count)     {         (var = 0; < count; i++)         {             if (!enumerator.movenext())                 break;             yield return enumerator.current;         }                 } } 

example program:

var items = new [] {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'};  for(var = 1; <= items.length + 3; i++) {     console.writeline("{0} part(s)", i);     foreach (var part in items.split(i))         console.writeline(string.join(", ", part));     console.writeline(); } 

... , output of program:

1 part(s) a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j  2 part(s) a, b, c, d, e f, g, h, i, j  3 part(s) a, b, c, d e, f, g h, i, j  4 part(s) a, b, c d, e, f g, h i, j  5 part(s) a, b c, d e, f g, h i, j  6 part(s) a, b c, d e, f g, h j  7 part(s) a, b c, d e, f g h j  8 part(s) a, b c, d e f g h j  9 part(s) a, b c d e f g h j  10 part(s) b c d e f g h j  11 part(s) // 10 items in collection. b c d e f g h j  12 part(s) // 10 items in collection. b c d e f g h j  13 part(s)  // 10 items in collection. b c d e f g h j 


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