javascript - How can you check if an input (email) field contains a special character using JQuery -

currently, i'm using following code doesn't seem work. throw error if user fails enter "@" symbol in input field. please bear me. thanks

my following code is:

var emailaddressval = $("input[name='emailaddress']").val().split('@').slice(1)[0].trim();  if(emailaddressval .match(/@/) !== null) {     alert('an @ symbol not entered'); }  

looks you're doing lot more work need to. split() call searches bad character, stop there , see if string split or not. that's not clear way of expressing intent.

if you're looking specific character, don't need regex.

why not

if ( $("input[name='emailaddress']").val().indexof('@') > -1 ) {      /* found '@' character; handle */  } else {     /* not found, handle appropriate */     alert("missing required '@' character"); } 

indexof returns non-negative value if finds string. see


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