[C++]Need help setting up a class -

i'm new c++ , trying create game of mario. have 3 classes working on: stage, image , element. first 1 has own .h , .cpp, , 2 others have .h , .cpp; problem is: in class stage, have variables of type element, can't on world declare no problems. code is: elements.h

#ifndef elements_h #define elements_h  #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h>  #include "stage.h"  hdc * mywindow; stage * stage2;  class image{ public:     bool ontop;     file* entry;     int lenght, height;     colorref matrix[32][32];     void load();     void print(int x, int y, int orientation, int ratiox, int ratioy);     void erase(int x, int y, int orientation, int ratiox, int ratioy); private: }; **strong text**  class element{ public:     element();     int num, sizex, sizey, orientation, timeofdeath;     float vely;     int top, left, spent;     void print();     void erase();     int bottom();     int right();     int middlex();     int middley();     void initializeelements(hdc * windowptr, stage * stageptr); };  #endif 


#ifndef stage_h #define stage_h #include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <wingdi.h> #include <iostream> #using <mscorlib.dll>  #include "elements.h"  class stage{     //0 = mario, 1 = luigi, 2 = mushroom. 3 = block, 4 = coin, 5 = coinbox, 6 = spentcoinbox, 7 = brick, 8 = bomb public:     bool map[1184][600];     colorref colormap[1184][600];     element blocks[600], coins[600], mushrooms[600], coinboxes[600], bricks[600], bombs[600], specialcoins[600];     int blockslen, coinslen, mushroomslen, coinboxeslen, brickslen, bombslen;     int level;     stage();     void print(); }; #endif 


#include "stdafx.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <windows.h> #include <wingdi.h> #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #using <mscorlib.dll>  #include "elements.h"   #define red rgb(255, 0, 0) #define blue  rgb(0, 0, 255) #define black rgb(0, 0, 0) #define white rgb(255, 255, 255) #define none rgb(1, 2, 3) #define brown rgb(43, 17, 0) #define skin rgb(255, 179, 128) #define yellow rgb(255, 255, 0) #define shoe rgb(80, 45, 22) #define sky rgb(101, 156, 239) #define color1 rgb(203, 79, 15) #define color2 rgb(255, 191, 179) #define color3 rgb(248, 216, 30) #define color4 rgb(248, 248, 0) #define color5 rgb(216, 158, 54) #define color6 rgb(255, 210, 67) #define color7 rgb(247, 150, 70) #define color8 rgb(255, 97, 29) #define color9 rgb(0,85,170) #define color0 rgb(131,91,9) #define colorz rgb(246, 182, 4) #define green rgb(40, 170, 85)  image images[9];  void image::load(){     char read;     (int j = 0; j != height; j++){         (int = 0; != lenght; i++){             fscanf(entry, "%c", &read);             if (read == 'r')                 matrix[i][j] = red;             else if (read == 'l')                 matrix[i][j] = blue;             else if (read == 's')                 matrix[i][j] = skin;             else if (read == 'y')                 matrix[i][j] = yellow;             else if (read == 'n')                 matrix[i][j] = brown;             else if (read == 'w')                 matrix[i][j] = white;             else if (read == 'q')                 matrix[i][j] = shoe;             else if (read == 'b')                 matrix[i][j] = black;             else if (read == '1')                 matrix[i][j] = color1;             else if (read == '2')                 matrix[i][j] = color2;             else if (read == '3')                 matrix[i][j] = color3;             else if (read == '4')                 matrix[i][j] = color4;             else if (read == '5')                 matrix[i][j] = color5;             else if (read == '6')                 matrix[i][j] = color6;             else if (read == '7')                 matrix[i][j] = color7;             else if (read == '8')                 matrix[i][j] = color8;             else if (read == '9')                 matrix[i][j] = color9;             else if (read == '0')                 matrix[i][j] = color0;             else if (read == 'z')                 matrix[i][j] = colorz;             else if (read == 'g')                 matrix[i][j] = green;             else                 matrix[i][j] = none;         }         fscanf(entry, "%c", &read);     }     fclose(entry); } void image::print(int x, int y, int orientation, int ratiox, int ratioy){     colorref color;     int i;     (int j = 0; j < height; j++){         (int k = 0; k < lenght; k++){             if (matrix[i][j] == none)                 continue;             if (orientation == 0)                 = k;             else                 = 11 - k;             (int m = 0; m < ratiox; m++){                 (int n = 0; n < ratioy; n++){                     if (ontop == 0)                         stage2.colormap[i][j] = color;                     setpixelv((*mywindow) , x + ratiox*k + m, y + ratioy*j + n, matrix[i][j]);                 }             }         }     } } void image::erase(int x, int y, int orientation, int ratiox, int ratioy){     colorref color;     int i;     (int j = 0; j < height; j++){         (int k = 0; k < lenght; k++){             if (matrix[i][j] == none)                 continue;             if (orientation == 0)                 = k;             else                 = 11 - k;             (int m = 0; m < ratiox; m++){                 (int n = 0; n < ratioy; n++){                     if (ontop == 1){                         setpixelv((*mywindow), x + ratiox*k + m, y + ratioy*j + n, stage2.colormap[i][j]);                     }                     else{                         setpixelv((*mywindow), x + ratiox*k + m, y + ratioy*j + n, sky);                         stage2.colormap[i][j] = sky;                     }                 }             }         }     } }   element::element(){     vely = 0;     sizex = 2;     sizey = 2;     orientation = 0;     spent = 0;     timeofdeath = 0;  } void element::print(){     images[i].print(left, top, orientation, sizex, sizey); } void element::erase(){     images[num].print(left, top, orientation, sizex, sizey); } int element::bottom(){     return (top + images[i].height - 1); } int element::right(){     return (left + images[i].length - 1); } int element::middlex(){     return (left + right())/2; } int element::middley(){     return (top + bottom()) / 2; }  void element::initializeelements(hdc * windowptr, stage * stageptr){     mywindow = windowptr;     stage2 = stageptr;     //it's me, mario!     images[0].entry = fopen("c:\\mario\\mario12x16.txt", "r");     images[0].height = 16;     images[0].lenght = 12;     images[0].ontop = 1;     images[0].load();     //it's me, aluisio!     images[1].entry = fopen("c:\\mario\\luigi12x16.txt", "r");     images[1].height = 16;     images[1].lenght = 12;     images[1].ontop = 1;     images[1].load();     //mario's hungry. let's make mushroom!     images[2].entry = fopen("c:\\mario\\mushroom16x16.txt", "r");     images[2].height = 16;     images[2].lenght = 16;     images[2].ontop = 0;     images[2].load();     //i need walk on!     images[3].entry = fopen("c:\\mario\\block32x32.txt", "r");     images[3].height = 32;     images[3].lenght = 32;     images[3].ontop = 0;     images[3].load();     //and money buy peach nice dildo...     images[4].entry = fopen("c:\\mario\\coin12x16.txt", "r");     images[4].height = 16;     images[4].lenght = 12;     images[4].ontop = 0;     images[4].load();     //     images[5].entry = fopen("c:\\mario\\coinbox16x16.txt", "r");     images[5].height = 16;     images[5].lenght = 16;     images[5].ontop = 0;     images[5].load();     //     images[6].entry = fopen("c:\\mario\\spentcoinbox16x16.txt", "r");     images[6].height = 16;     images[6].lenght = 16;     images[6].ontop = 0;     images[6].load();     //     images[7].entry = fopen("c:\\mario\\brick16x16.txt", "r");     images[7].height = 16;     images[7].lenght = 16;     images[7].ontop = 0;     images[7].load();     //     images[8].entry = fopen("c:\\mario\\bomb29x29.txt", "r");     images[8].height = 29;     images[8].lenght = 29;     images[8].ontop = 0;     images[8].load();     // } 


#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <windows.h> #include <wingdi.h> #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #using <mscorlib.dll>  #include "stage.h" //#include "elements.h" //#include "elements.cpp"  stage::stage(){     blockslen = 0;     coinslen = 0;     mushroomslen = 0;     coinboxeslen = 0;     brickslen = 0;     bombslen = 0;     (int j = 0; j < 600; j++){         (int = 0; < 1184; i++){             map[i][j] == 0;         }     }     char read;     file *entry;     if (level == 1)         entry = fopen("c:\\mario\\stage1.txt", "r");     (int j = 0; j < 18; j++){         (int = 0; < 37; i++){             fscanf(entry, "%c", &read);             if (read == '0'){                 blocks[blockslen].num = 3;                 blocks[blockslen].sizex = 1;                 blocks[blockslen].sizey = 1;                 blocks[blockslen].left = 32 * i;                 blocks[blockslen++].top = 32 * j + 24;                 (int m = 0; m < 32; m++){                     (int n = 0; n < 32; n++){                         map[32 * + m][32 * j + n + 24] = 0;                     }                 }             }             if (read == 'c'){                 coins[coinslen].num = 4;                 coins[coinslen].left = 32 * + 4;                 coins[coinslen++].top = 32 * j + 24;             }             if (read == 'd'){                 coinboxes[coinboxeslen].num = 5;                 coinboxes[coinboxeslen].left = 32 * i;                 coinboxes[coinboxeslen++].top = 32 * j + 24;                 (int m = 0; m < 32; m++){                     (int n = 0; n < 32; n++){                         map[32 * + m][32 * j + n + 24] = 1;                     }                 }             }             if (read == 'e'){                 coinboxes[coinboxeslen].num = 6;                 coinboxes[coinboxeslen].spent = true;                 coinboxes[coinboxeslen].left = 32 * i;                 coinboxes[coinboxeslen++].top = 32 * j + 24;                 (int m = 0; m < 32; m++){                     (int n = 0; n < 32; n++){                         map[32 * + m][32 * j + n + 24] = 1;                     }                 }             }             if (read == 'f'){                 bricks[brickslen].num = 7;                 bricks[brickslen].left = 32 * i;                 bricks[brickslen++].top = 32 * j + 24;                 (int m = 0; m < 32; m++){                     (int n = 0; n < 32; n++){                         map[32 * + m][32 * j + n + 24] = 1;                     }                 }             }             if (read == 'm'){                 mushrooms[mushroomslen].num = 2;                 mushrooms[mushroomslen].left = 32 * i;                 mushrooms[mushroomslen++].top = 32 * j + 24;             }         }         fscanf(entry, "%c", &read);     } }  void stage::print(){     (int = 0; < 1184; i++)         (int j = 0; j < 600; j++)             stage.colormap[i][j] = sky;     (int = 0; < blockslen; i++){         blocks[i].print();     }     (int = 0; < coinslen; i++){         coins[i].print();     }     (int = 0; < mushroomslen; i++){         mushrooms[i].print();     }     (int = 0; < coinboxeslen; i++){         coinboxes[i].print();     }     (int = 0; < brickslen; i++){         bricks[i].print();     }     (int = 0; < 1184; i++)         (int j = 0; j < 600; j++)             if (stage.colormap[i][j] == sky)                 setpixelv(mywindow, i, j, sky); } 

now errors get: image

thank all

either move stage *stage2; out of elements.h, or forward declare class stage in elements.h without #include "stage.h".

what do, error.


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