ios - Display retail stores in shopping mall - GoogleMaps Indoor -

i'm testing google maps sdk on ios (i'm using latest version). i'm using provided examples form google in order test indoor navigation functionality.

i don't know why, when @ shopping mall on example app, see indoor plans no retail stores located in it, when using google maps native iphone app, can see retail stores.

p.s: i'm testing on real device - not on simulator.

my code:

gmscameraposition *camera = [gmscameraposition camerawithlatitude:32.074492                                                         longitude:34.791458                                                              zoom:18];  mapview_ = [gmsmapview mapwithframe:cgrectzero camera:camera]; mapview_.settings.mylocationbutton = yes; mapview_.indoorenabled = yes; mapview_.settings.indoorpicker = yes; mapview_.settings.compassbutton = yes; mapview_.delegate=self; mapview_.indoordisplay.delegate=self;  // ask location data after map has been added ui.  dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{     mapview_.mylocationenabled = yes; });  self.view = mapview_; 

any ideas?

thanks in advance.

you might have use places api in order show store. can sign 1 public beta on here. places api shows detailed information 100 million places across wide range of categories, same database google maps , google+.


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