php - Make permanent changes to a webpage, through the webpage -

right has been asked before in similar context answer not given.. need know how change contents of "homepage.php" (example) permanently filling out form on webpage itself, know have store data in mysql database how should go doing (which way). know how store , retrieve data particular problem has me baffled.

do save single css values database (e.g. blue, green, margin-left, margin-right) or can store whole css block of code variable save in database

|| body { //content of body } .navbar{ //navbar content here }? ||

end result need edit page without altering code can see not using cookies. (please not tell me needing server etc know..)

i using procedural method of php programming no framework seeking give example.

thanks in advance =d!

i post comment don't have enough points comment. able utilize jquery webpage? have had exact same thing php/mysql, , using jquery .css() , .html() provides working solution.


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