google maps - Connection sqlite in android studio -

hye there,

my project read latitute , longitute in sqlite database. first of all, cant connect connection database sqlite. , second after connection succeed , dont know how loop data in google map.

example 1 data in database:

_id dateoc timeoc location latitude longitude

1 5-11-1961 4.30am ringlet, cameron highlands,pahang 4.415895 101.383082

thanks in advance helping me, appreciate that, sincerely, hafizul reza

private googlemap mmap; // might null if google play services apk not available.  @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);      setcontentview(r.layout.activity_maps);     setupmapifneeded(); }  @override protected void onresume() {     super.onresume();     setupmapifneeded(); }  private void setupmapifneeded() {     // null check confirm have not instantiated map.     if (mmap == null) {         // try obtain map supportmapfragment.         mmap = ((supportmapfragment) getsupportfragmentmanager().findfragmentbyid(                 .getmap();         // check if successful in obtaining map.         if (mmap != null) {             setupmap();         }     } }   private void setupmap() {      int = 1;     if(i==1){         sqlitedatabase mydb = null;         string tablename = "landslide";          //string data="";          mydb = this.openorcreatedatabase("landslide", mode_private, null);          cursor c = mydb.rawquery("select * " + tablename, null);          double column1 = c.getcolumnindex("latitude");         double column2 = c.getcolumnindex("longitude");         //int column3 = c.getcolumnindex("location");           mmap.addmarker(new markeroptions().position(new latlng(column1 , column2)).title("zasss"));     }      //loop through results     //do {     //data =data +a+"|"+b+"\n";     // }while(c.movetonext());     //}      //double lat = 4.415895;     //double lng = 101.383082;     else          //mmap.addmarker(new markeroptions().position(new latlng(column1, column2)).title("column3"));         mmap.addmarker(new markeroptions().position(new latlng(3.37376388889, 101.615391667)).title("kg. sri serendah"));     } } 

you need create database file shown below:

public class sqlitedatabaseadapter extends activity {      sqlitehelper helper;     sqlitedatabase db, db1;      long id, id1, id2;       public sqlitedatabaseadapter(context context) {         helper = new sqlitehelper(context);      }       // inserting data database     public long insertdata(string task_name, string contact_name, string contact_number, string description, string remarks,                            string date, string time, string est_comp_date, string est_comp_time, string act_comp_date, string act_comp_time, string notify_date, string notify_time) {          db = helper.getwritabledatabase();          contentvalues contentvalues = new contentvalues();          contentvalues.put(sqlitehelper.task_name, task_name);         contentvalues.put(sqlitehelper.contact_name, contact_name);         contentvalues.put(sqlitehelper.contact_number, contact_number);         //contentvalues.put(sqlitehelper.contact_email, contact_email);         contentvalues.put(sqlitehelper.description, description);         contentvalues.put(sqlitehelper.remarks, remarks);         contentvalues.put(, date);         contentvalues.put(sqlitehelper.time, time);         contentvalues.put(sqlitehelper.estimated_completion_date, est_comp_date);         contentvalues.put(sqlitehelper.estimated_completion_time, est_comp_time);         contentvalues.put(sqlitehelper.actual_completion_date, act_comp_date);         contentvalues.put(sqlitehelper.actual_completion_time, act_comp_time);         contentvalues.put(sqlitehelper.notify_date, notify_date);         contentvalues.put(sqlitehelper.notify_time, notify_time);           id = db.insert(sqlitehelper.table_name, null, contentvalues);           log.d("pana", "the value of id " + id);          db.close();         return id;     }         public cursor getalldata() {         db = helper.getwritabledatabase();         string[] columns = {sqlitehelper.uid,                 sqlitehelper.task_name,                 sqlitehelper.contact_name,                 sqlitehelper.contact_number,                 //sqlitehelper.contact_email,                 sqlitehelper.description,                 sqlitehelper.remarks,       ,                 sqlitehelper.time,                 sqlitehelper.estimated_completion_date,                 sqlitehelper.estimated_completion_time,                 sqlitehelper.actual_completion_date,                 sqlitehelper.actual_completion_time,                 sqlitehelper.notify_date,                 sqlitehelper.notify_time};         cursor cursor = db.query(sqlitehelper.table_name, columns, null, null,                 null, null, null);         stringbuffer buffer = new stringbuffer();         while (cursor.movetonext()) {             int cid = cursor.getint(0);             string taskname = cursor.getstring(1);             string est_comp_time = cursor.getstring(6);             buffer.append(cid + " " + taskname + " " + est_comp_time + "\n");         }          if (cursor != null) {             cursor.movetofirst();         }          return cursor;       }        //obtain single row     public task gettask(string id) {          log.d("pana", "the value of id " + string.valueof(id));         db = helper.getreadabledatabase();          string[] columns = {sqlitehelper.uid,                 sqlitehelper.task_name, sqlitehelper.contact_name, sqlitehelper.contact_number, sqlitehelper.description, sqlitehelper.remarks,, sqlitehelper.time, sqlitehelper.estimated_completion_date, sqlitehelper.estimated_completion_time,                  sqlitehelper.actual_completion_date, sqlitehelper.actual_completion_time, sqlitehelper.notify_date, sqlitehelper.notify_time};          cursor cursor = db.query(sqlitehelper.table_name, columns, sqlitehelper.uid + "= ?",                 new string[]{string.valueof(id)}, null, null, null, null);           if (cursor != null)             cursor.movetofirst();          task task = new task(cursor.getstring(1), cursor.getstring(2), cursor.getstring(3), cursor.getstring(4), cursor.getstring(5),                 cursor.getstring(6), cursor.getstring(7), cursor.getstring(8), cursor.getstring(9), cursor.getstring(10),                 cursor.getstring(11), cursor.getstring(12), cursor.getstring(13));          cursor.close();          return task;      }      }     class sqlitehelper extends sqliteopenhelper {      public static final string database_name = "task_management_database";     public static final string table_name = "datatable";     public static final string uid = "_id";     public static final string task_name = "task_name";     public static final string contact_name = "contact_name";     public static final string contact_number = "contact_number";     public static final string contact_email = "contact_email";     public static final string description = "description";     public static final string remarks = "remarks";     public static final string date = "date";     public static final string time = "time";     public static final string estimated_completion_date = "estcompdate";     public static final string estimated_completion_time = "estcomptime";     public static final string actual_completion_date = "actcompdate";     public static final string actual_completion_time = "actcomptime";     public static final string notify_date = "notifydate";     public static final string notify_time = "notifytime"     public static final int database_version = 1;     public static final string sub_task_number = "sub_task_number";     public static final string create_table = " create table " + table_name +             "(" + uid + " integer primary key autoincrement, " + task_name + " varchar(250) unique," + contact_name + " varchar(250)," + contact_number + " varchar(250),"             + contact_email + " varchar(250)," + description + " varchar(250), " + remarks + " varchar(250),"             + date + " varchar(250)," + time + " varchar(250)," + estimated_completion_date + " varchar(250), " + estimated_completion_time + " varchar(250), "             + actual_completion_date + " varchar(250), " + actual_completion_time + " varchar(250), " + notify_date + " varchar(250), " + notify_time + " varchar(250), " );";     public static final string drop_table = "drop table if exists" + table_name;        // private context context;      public sqlitehelper(context context) {         // todo auto-generated constructor stub          super(context, database_name, null, database_version);     }       // method executed first     @override     public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) {          try {             db.execsql(create_table);          } catch (sqlexception e) {             // todo auto-generated catch block             e.printstacktrace();         }      }      @override     public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldversion, int newversion) {         // todo auto-generated method stub          try {             db.execsql(drop_table);           } catch (sqlexception e) {             // todo auto-generated catch block             e.printstacktrace();         }         oncreate(db);      }  } 

i have shown sample example of creating database in android, how insert data , how read data. need follow , modify per application. inner class extends sqliteopenhelper , attributes accessed main class.

hope helps you.


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