commonjs - Titanium Importing a widget inside another widget controller -

in appcelerator titanium application building, there 2 widgets

  • an imported widget vectorimage
  • a custom widget staticboard, should rely on vectorimage widget.

but don't find right way import vectorimage module in staticboard widget controller (widget.js).

i've tried :

  • var vectorimage = require('com.capnajax.vectorimage/widget');
  • var vectorimage = require(wpath('../../com.capnajax.vectorimage/widget'));

and directly during widget creation :

var image = alloy.createcontroller('com.capnajax.vectorimage', {                     svg: wpath('chess_pieces/'+pieceimage+'.svg'),                     top: parseint(y+inset+cellssize*(7-rank)),                     left: parseint(x+inset+cellssize*file),                     width: cellssize,                     height: cellssize                 }); $.widget.add(image); 

please, notice managed integrate in hard-coded way, in widget view (index.xml), e.g :

... <widget src="com.capnajax.vectorimage" svg="path.svg" /> ...

so it's not vectorimage widget blame.

what correct way use widget in widget.js ?

notice this post not solve problem.

try: js:

alloy.createwidget('com.capnajax.vectorimage' ,  {                     svg: wpath('chess_pieces/'+pieceimage+'.svg'),                     top: parseint(y+inset+cellssize*(7-rank)),                     left: parseint(x+inset+cellssize*file),                     width: cellssize,                     height: cellssize                 }); 


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