c++ - Swift Compiler Error 'iostream' not found -

i've tried implement project i've found on github.


while implementing .h , .m files i've got error saying xcode not find 'iostream' file.

i'm working in swift, using bridging-headers use framework. when try build original project works, mine fails.

enter image description here

how can add iostream file?

thanks in advance!

swift bridging not support objective c++ files. means headers consume or expose c++ entites (like std::vector; std::iostream) cannot added bridging header.

the pop bridging header contains:

#import "pop.h" 

you should #import file in own bridging header, rather trying #import .h files.

if need consume of api that's defined in .mm files isn't exposed objective c or plain c header, you'll have make own header file exposes (and back-end implements you've exposed).

the reason why can use .mm files in library that's being used swift because swift uses interface files - i.e. .h files, , long files in plain c or objective c, can make use of code implemented in .mm file. .mm files compiled objective c++ compiler (clang++)


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