After launch calendar intent, how to "go ahead" with the app? Android -


i have done activity allows user set info create entrance in calendar. afeter verify info launch intent open calendar info set.

thats how donde button:

bnext.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {      public void onclick(view v) {          intent intent = new intent(intent.action_insert).setdata(events.content_uri)                 .putextra(calendarcontract.extra_event_begin_time, begintime.gettimeinmillis())                 .putextra(calendarcontract.extra_event_end_time, endtime.gettimeinmillis())                 .putextra(events.title, subject.gettext().tostring())                 .putextra(events.event_location, location.gettext().tostring())                 .putextra(events.availability, events.availability_busy)                 .putextra(intent.extra_email, "");         startactivity(intent);         }      } }); 

that opens calendar. after , confirm entrance, calendar app still open (as normal) when press "back button" go app.

image of flow (hand drawed)

enter image description here


after come calendar, there way recognize entrance has been set, , go ahead activity?

instead of startactivity, use startactivityforresult calendar. override onactivityresult. if calendar activity returns result_canceled means button pressed. call startactivity on activity want display, , finish() on current activity if need to.


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