xml - Comparing root node text XPATH -

i want comparison on node text value. facing issues in it.

case 1:

<xmldata>     <studentdatas noofstudents="67">myschool</studentdatas> </xmldata> 

/xmldata/studentdatas/text()[.=normalize-space('myschool')] - working.

but following case, not working:-

<studentdatas>myschooldetails     <class_a noofstudents="67" class_teacher="dhanpal">         <studentdata category="highclass">             <student id="1010" name="n1" bloodgroup="a+" />             <student id="1011" name="n2" bloodgroup="b+" />             <student id="1012" name="n3" bloodgroup="c+" />                      </studentdata>               </class_a>       </studentdatas> 

here want select noofstudent attribute,when root node text matched given text:


but query not working.

may kindly know how, mistaking.

first check parent, child's attribute:


demo using xmllint:

$ xmllint input.xml --xpath "/studentdatas[normalize-space(.)='myschooldetails']/class_a/@noofstudents" noofstudents="67" 


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