javascript - How to prevent firefox from scrolling to the bottom of the page when a large popup is opened -

i use simple onclick event display popup in application. when popup size large, screen automatically scrolled down bottom of page after popup appears. facing problem in firefox browser. appreciated.

from design , usability perspective should not allow pop-up on web page exceed given view-port limit, example half of window height.

try make pop-up div fixed height , overflow-y: scroll, if there more content - user able scroll down , read it.

in general, should use pop-ups carefully.

unfortunately, bad pop-ups give pop-ups bad name. users turn off javascript in browsers or download special software utilities kill pop-up windows.

many in desperation because pop-up windows stalking them wherever go on web - , people don't realize partly blame. often, they've downloaded free utility or music-sharing program contains scum-ware program tracks movements online, steals personal information, , makes online life miserable continually harassing pop-up advertising!

see this, this article , this question.


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