java - NotSerializableException on serialization of objects currently shown by Vaadin -

i notserializableexception when want serialize object shown vaadin.

the structure this:

vaadin ui <--- serialize / deserialize --- > hibernate/jpa postgres database

vaadin shows objects requested database via ipc, when manipulate object , want save again serializing , sending on controller following exception: org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.annotationconfigembeddedwebapplicationcontext  	at  	at  	at  	at  	at  	at  	at java.util.linkedlist.writeobject(  	at sun.reflect.generatedmethodaccessor38.invoke(unknown source)  	at sun.reflect.delegatingmethodaccessorimpl.invoke(  	at java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(

i tried to:

request -> manipulate -> save | works

request -> show in vaadin -> manipulate in vaadin-> save | doesn't work

why serializer want annotationconfigembeddedwebapplicationcontext , there workaround? can remove beforehand?

spring components not serializable (or should not serialized @ all).

injecting spring components in vaadin components linked vaadin ui tricky because them should declared transient , re-populated after deserialization..

i wrote small library jdal-aop ease process, using spring-aop serializable proxies.

for example

public class mainlayout extends verticallayout {      @autowired     @serializableproxy  // make dao serializable     private customerdao customerdao; }  

it useful you.


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